Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lord, I Run to You

                “Oh Lord, You are so kind and gentle and forgiving. You are so patient and understanding, waiting for us to get things right. Sometimes, I feel like such a child, making silly mistakes and thinking only of myself. Forgive me for the times I didn’t place You first. I want to run to You in humility and love. I want to throw myself at Your feet and cry out ‘I love You, I am so sorry.’ If only everyone could recognize the great love You have for us and all that You give us. If everyone could run to Your feet and offer their entire selves to You, what joy would ensue.
                “Oh Lord, forgive Your people when they don’t think of You. Please continue to shed Your mercy on all of us. Please continue to be kind, gentle and forgiving. Please continue to be patient and understanding. Eventually, all of us will be together, one enormous family all celebrating our love for You together. I pray that we can all hear Your call, follow Your guidance and be enveloped in Your love. I pray that all our sorrows, our losses, our anger and our frustrations will be turned into vehicles of learning, shaping us and then transformed into joys, gains, peace and exultations. Lord, I run to You with these hopes and prayers.”

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