Sunday, June 24, 2012

God’s Tapestry

                “My God, my God, my merciful Lord, You are so good to me and to all your people. You know us all so well, so much better than we know ourselves. You know what we need, what we lack, what we desire, what we love, what we abhor, what we shy away from and what we try to hide from. You know what to send us, where to send us, and who to send to us at precisely the right time to heal us, to strengthen us, to inflame us, and to prepare us to receive Your graces, enabling us to go out and do Your will in this crazy world where You remain subtly hidden, yet always ready to be revealed in unexpected people, places, things and events.
                “I am so grateful to be a minuscule part of this phenomenal tapestry You have masterfully woven. I pray that I will never again become a frayed string in this tapestry, unraveling and loosening those around me, creating a hole in Your artistry, a flaw in the weave waiting to be mercifully repaired by the maker. Oh dear Lord, let me never question the overall design of Your tapestry. Let me completely and willingly submit to Your expert hands to be woven into this magnificent piece of art for all eternity. Let me never question my place or role, instead let me become a fine piece of thread in the pure bright and sparkling color You choose, to be placed where Your genius artistic eye sees I need to be  to beautify the creation You have so masterfully designed.
“Oh dear Lord, I am Yours.
Oh dear Lord, purify me.
Oh dear Lord, use me.
Oh dear Lord, keep me a part of Your ultimate design for all eternity.
Oh dear Lord, I am Yours.”

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