Sunday, June 17, 2012

Desperately Seeking Your Presence

                “Lord, my God, my King, I am not worthy to be here in Your presence yet here I am, drawn to You like a fish to water. I felt Your call this morning, I wanted to run to You…so here I am, humbly resting near You, desperately needing to connect with You. You are part of me, You are with me, You are in my very soul. When I am away from Your physical presence, I long for You, I thirst for You, I feel a deep sense of missing You. I need to remember the Holy Spirit within me at these times. I am not really ever separated from You because we are joined through Your blessed Sacred Heart by the Holy Spirit. You permeate my very being and for that, I am so grateful. I just need to remind my feeble mind that just because my senses tell me I can’t see You, Your presence is everywhere and You are always with me and within me.
                “You have blessed me with so much love, may I live my life in thanksgiving and return that love to You and share that great love with those around me. Strip me of all the unnecessary things I have gathered within my soul. Purify me so that Your love can flourish and grow, producing sweet fruits for all and most of all, for You.
                “Dear sweet Mary, show me how you lived on earth after your son ascended into heaven, show me how you prepared yourself and His disciples to live for the glory of God the Father. Intercede for me, tell Him how deep my love goes for Him and how I long for Him, how I thirst for Him, and how I earnestly search for Him in everything and in everyone. Let Him know that my soul’s desire is to please Him and to be in communion with Him through His blessed Sacred Heart.
                “Thank You, thank You, thank You, thank you. “

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