Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Humility is the Key

“Lord, the word humility resonates in my soul today.  The more I get to know You, the more I see how important humility is to You. Humility is the key to the door to Your heart. If we don’t have humility, the door shuts, locked in pride. We think that anything we do is of our doing. We think that we are able to change and succeed based on our own efforts. We may fool ourselves by saying that we are doing it for You, but we forget that it is only through You that anything can be accomplished for Your glory.
“Only You can help us to live a life destined to prepare us for eternal life with You. You know what You want from us. You know what we have and what we lack. You know best how to form us. You created the whole world and everything in it. Our lives are just a continuing part of Your creation story which will include all of us in eternal life. Eternal life has no end so Your creation is a dynamic process of which we are just one component. When we try to take over and shut the door on You and place the lock of pride on it, then Your dynamic process is hindered and we no longer become part of it.
“We are but pieces of the whole creation puzzle that You are putting together piece by piece. Grant me the grace I need to surrender and be a humble servant, allowing You to form me, shape me and place me exactly where You intend me to be in exactly the way You intend me to be in Your awesome, perfect creation which has no end. May I always hold the key of humility close at hand so the door to Your heart remains open.”

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