Lord, as Lent begins, I place my humble heart in Your hands. Purify my heart,
fortify my heart, prepare my heart to receive all of Your abundant love and
mercy and make my heart like Yours. May these next 40 days be a time of self
examination and purification. Help me shed the things I don’t need. Help me
remove the things that shade my heart from Your intense light. I want to be
bathed in Your bright burning light of love. Help me identify and remove all
that stands in between us.
these next 40 days also be a time to turn my gaze outward as well to all those
in need. Help me help others find the way to Your bright burning light. Help me
remove anything that blocks me from helping others. Help me pray fervently for
the end of things like abortion and assisted suicide so that people will
recognize You as the sole creator of life and that they will treat all life as
a precious gift from You that only You decide when it begins and when it ends.
me to look beyond my small sphere of family and friends with great love for all
of Your people. Help me view the world as a great field growing Your holy
people, preparing them for the harvest and eternal life with You. They are all
vital and important parts of Your whole creation masterpiece, no matter how
much I don’t understand them or can’t fathom how they all fit in. I trust
completely in You and I know that You are working just as hard in everyone’s
hearts as You are in mine. May the love You cultivate in Your vast fields of
people purify, fortify and prepare their hearts to receive Your vital bright
burning light of love the way the sun feeds the earth.
God, make our hearts like Yours. Oh dear Lord, I am awed and humbled as I place
my meager heart in Your hands.”
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