My dear loving merciful Lord and King, I bow my head and kneel before You in awe and wonder of everything You are. Your love for me is never ending and has no limitations. May my heart always mirror that great love and may my actions always be out of that great love that flows from Your blessed Sacred Heart. It is a river we all float in and it flows from You through us and back to You. May I never jump out of this river.
“My dear loving child, yes think of My love as a river. The blood I shed on the Cross is also part of that river. My Father placed that divine love into flesh and blood in Me as the Son. I lived amongst My beloved people nourished by that very blood. I shared that love with My people as I walked on earth and when it was time, I opened that body on the Cross and emptied out the river of love through that blood so that all My people could be bathed in its healing mercy and thus be joined as one family forever. My blood which is my love, flows through all My people and will return to Me through them, in the future for all eternity. I know it is difficult for you to grasp but just trust Me that by emptying Myself on the Cross, I filled all My people with the life blood of love so that we can all be together. So bathe in that river, be immersed in it and follow that current for it will lead you back to Me. When you are tired of swimming, float on your back and ask for Me. I will give you the rest you need and will nourish you with My intense love so that you can continue. I am the source of life. I am the source of love. I am the beginning and the end. I am all you need. I Am who I Am and I love you my child.”
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