Thursday, February 6, 2025

Time is a Moving Kaleidoscope

                 My dear resurrected miraculous Lord, my heart races as I recognize that You are miraculously resurrected, that You walked with man, that You died for man, that You resurrected for man and that You wait in heaven with open arms for all mankind. Oh my Lord, my heart races and my soul leaps for joy inside me. I ask for an infusion of love and grace that I may be renewed in You, revitalized and prepared to do all that You ask, in the way that You ask, for as long as You ask, because You ask. Speak Lord, your servant is listening.

                “My dear little one, I am pleased that you have come to Me for rest as I long to rejuvenate you. Rest here at My Sacred Heart child, I have much to give you. Time for you is a linear slow process that allows you to fully integrate everything moment by moment. For Me, it is a moving kaleidoscope and I see all the cycles at once: life-death, joy-sadness, freedom-captivity, love-hate, infancy-maturity, anger-forgiveness, everything has a course, a cycle. Nothing is meant to stay the same. I see it all at once and it is truly astonishing and perfect when seen as a whole. It is too much for My beloved people to understand all at once so I give you the gift of time to process, to learn, to grow, to increase in My love. Look what My resurrection did for all. Now imagine the possibilities of renewal in all circumstances for all My people.

                “Never remain too long in any one state for it is meant to prepare you for the next step. Always keep moving. Enjoy each moment as it comes. Enjoy resting with Me, enjoy suffering with Me, enjoy laughing with Me, enjoy crying with Me. Know that I am with You always, in every moment, and that I am preparing all of you to be with Me. I see You all with Me now and also for forever. I resurrected for us all to be together and trust Me when I tell you that together, we live in perfect love just as I do with My Father and the Holy Spirit. This is the miracle I wish to share with all My people.”




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