Sunday, March 2, 2025

Step Out of the Shadows

                My Lord, my God, my protector, my victor over life and death, I run to the shelter of Your arms and hide in the shadow of the Cross. Sometimes, this world and some of the people in it make me cringe as I imagine You seeing it all. Your good designs have been turned upside down and rejected. Oh my God, You died on the Cross to save us all, so why does this world shrink away from You and why do some people choose to follow illogical leaders and policies? I trust in You, I know You are watching over all of us and that You will not abandon us but how far do You let Your sheep wander?

                “Oh My trembling child, step out of the shadows and dry your tears, I am here and when you stand with Me, we are invincible because I offer love for eternity. Your yes to My invitation arms you with My protection. No, it won’t be easy and yes, I shed tears as well but when you stand with Me and shed tears with Me, you bring Me joy and keep the flames of My eternal love burning bright. Those flames protect you My child, do not let them smolder in fear, sadness or uncertainty over the world. All is as it should be and all will make sense to you one day. Remember, time is for My people but for Me, time does not exist, I see all from the beginning. There is no end, I see My creation in a circular loop, not in a linear time scale. Trust in Me My child. I will protect you and do not give up on anyone or anything for if you do, you limit My work. Together with our hearts joined, we can do so much more. Step out of the shadow trembling child and see what our love can accomplish.”


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