Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Profound Peace

                My dear loving Lord and sovereign king, my heart races and I focus on You. Every ounce of me longs to be with You, to walk with You, to sit with You, to watch You, to hold You, to love You with all my heart and yet I bow my head knowing I am so much less that You. I peek out from under my bowed head and I see You standing in front of me. Your face is so beautiful, so peaceful and carries a hint of a smile in the corners of Your mouth and Your eyes. You place Your blessed hands on my shoulders and I am filled with complete peace. It is as if the whole world has stopped tor this moment. There is nothing else except this union of Your hands on my shoulders and I can think of nothing else. My whole body and soul is at complete rest. All my senses are suspended in this quiet moment like a held breath. What a profound awesome gift, Your gift of peace.
                “My dear child, my peace I give you. This is what it is like to be one with Me. I long for this for all My beloved people. It saddens Me when I see My people anxious, fearful, sad or angry. We are all meant to be one in this peace. My love provides all you need and that is what our eternity will be filled with – total peace and love. Relax My child and have no worry for I love you and ask only for your heart so that I can join us as one and share that love with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Every ounce of Me also longs to be with you. We share the same desire my dear and that pleases Me.“

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