Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Your Easter Gift

                Dear loving merciful Lord, I humbly place myself in Your presence filled with awe and gratitude as I contemplate your Easter gift to all humanity. Your love for us is so great and beyond comprehension. When I think of how You chose to come to us as one of us, ultimately to die a shameful horrible death as one of us to save all of us – I struggle to wrap my head around that. And yet, You have revealed the great love that surrounds Your entire plan and especially in Your Passion and I see it as a work of incredible beauty. I feel the intense love in my heart and I begin to see how that love kept You walking one step at a time to the Cross. I think of how intense love for another has motivated me to do irrational, even superhuman things for that person. Then I think of how You have an even deeper and more intense love, not just for one, but for all humanity and even more for Your heavenly Father and suddenly, that walk from the manger in the stable to the Cross on Calvary begins to make sense and I see how Your divine nature gave You the strength to complete that mission in a human body. I imagine Your resurrected body walking out of the tomb and appearing to Your beloved friends and my heart quickens and I am filled with great joy. I want to laugh and cry and shout out to the whole world, “HE IS RISEN! He has saved us all! We will be together forever because of Him!” Oh dear Lord, what a gift of understanding You have given to Your humble daughter in a time on earth where so many have turned away from You. I am deeply grateful and filled with joy!
                “Yes My dear child, you have heard My message and that brings Me joy too. Go and spread that message to people everywhere. Share that joy and spread that love to all around you. Love as I have loved, that is My deepest desire. Then we can all be one.”

Seek Me

                My dear loving Lord, I rest quietly in Your divine presence and humbly ask to hear Your words in my heart. My soul longs for You and at this moment, and rests peacefully as I sense Your presence and hear Your call to my soul. What do You ask of me my Lord?
                “Continue to follow your heart and seek Me. I am everywhere all the time, You just need to look for Me and to recognize Me in the noisy world in which you dwell. The noise of this current world seeks to drown Me out, to bury Me in the rubble of the things My people have created. The world tries to distract you and to make you forget that I exist. Your burning heart brings Me joy for it burns like a bright light amidst the debris. Let it shine like a beacon and lead others out of the rubble. Never stop looking for My light for it will never go out. My heart burns just as bright and strong as the day the earth and all that dwells in it was created. The world was created with love from my heart as a way to spread and share that love. This love connects us all and remains forever. Never forget that what burns in your heart for Me burns infinitely stronger in My heart for all of you. Yes, breathe Me in, in to your soul and stoke the fire of love that burns inside you. Breathe Me in and draw eternal life from My holy breath. Breathe out My breath to all those around you and let that breath ignite the love in their souls as well so they too can share our breath. We are one. We breathe as one, we live as one, we love as one – this is My will for all of My beloved people. Join Me as one as I am with the Father and the Father is in Me. I have sent the Holy Spirit to dwell with you, to guide you, to show you how to live in this love. Let My Holy Spirit penetrate your souls. Breathe Him in as the breath of God that gives you life. Breathe in, breathe out, let Him surround you and permeate you within and without. His presence will help you navigate your way through the rubble to Me, your light, your love, your life. This is what I ask of you My loving child.”

Profound Peace

                My dear loving Lord and sovereign king, my heart races and I focus on You. Every ounce of me longs to be with You, to walk with You, to sit with You, to watch You, to hold You, to love You with all my heart and yet I bow my head knowing I am so much less that You. I peek out from under my bowed head and I see You standing in front of me. Your face is so beautiful, so peaceful and carries a hint of a smile in the corners of Your mouth and Your eyes. You place Your blessed hands on my shoulders and I am filled with complete peace. It is as if the whole world has stopped tor this moment. There is nothing else except this union of Your hands on my shoulders and I can think of nothing else. My whole body and soul is at complete rest. All my senses are suspended in this quiet moment like a held breath. What a profound awesome gift, Your gift of peace.
                “My dear child, my peace I give you. This is what it is like to be one with Me. I long for this for all My beloved people. It saddens Me when I see My people anxious, fearful, sad or angry. We are all meant to be one in this peace. My love provides all you need and that is what our eternity will be filled with – total peace and love. Relax My child and have no worry for I love you and ask only for your heart so that I can join us as one and share that love with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Every ounce of Me also longs to be with you. We share the same desire my dear and that pleases Me.“