Thursday, May 2, 2013

Replacing Addictions

“My dear Lord, what do You ask of me today? To show people Your love here on earth? There are so many people in the world and so many that don’t even think about You. That makes me sad. Help me show them that You exist, that You love them, that You created them for love.
                “For those that do love You and live for You, may they be an example and inspiration for others to see that there is more in the world than living for ourselves. Especially touch the hearts of those addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, food; all the things that feed the desires of the flesh. They make people feel good temporarily, but in the end, they end up devoured by these things, broken and extremely unhappy. They end up hating the very flesh they have been feeding and pleasuring. The flesh takes over their souls and leaves them physically ill, weak and wanting to retreat in darkness and solitude until they can be lost in the haze of their chosen addiction once again.
“Help them Lord to break this vicious cycle. Help them to realize for what You created them. May they once again love themselves as You do. May they desire only the love of their souls. Once they can allow You in again, then they can recognize their bodies as temples for You. Then they can love their flesh properly and care for their bodies, nourishing them to be holy temples for You, not for themselves. I understand this but don’t know how to share this with someone who is lost in their addiction. Open their understanding and use me as You wish to help them turn away from the hell they are living, the hell they have allowed to grow around them.”
“People can be so desperate and will cling to any ‘quick fix’ but when it comes to real work to save their souls, they sometimes give up and look again at a quick fix. Help them to see You as the ‘quick fix.’ Help them cling to You the way they cling to their addiction Let Your love be what they crave. Let that be their addiction.”

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