Sunday, March 2, 2025

When Pride Whispers in Your Heart

                 My loving awesome protector and Lord, I sense Your sheltering touch in this world that has chosen to oppose You. I cringe and run to Your Blessed Sacred Heart and bury my head in Your embrace. Why must Your people fight You so? Why do they try to live in this world with illogical morals and in a way where every person is a lord and master of himself? Why do they shy away from Your love and protection? It breaks my heart.

                “Dear crying child, let Me hold you and assure you that all will be fine. You are safe with Me because you love Me. You know that My ways are for My people’s benefit and are designed out of intense love for all of you. Not everyone sees it that way. Pride is an insidious infection that slowly whispers, ‘You are better than that,’ which turns their gaze from Me to themselves. It is a slow process, one that breaks My heart every step of the way as My beloved people no longer look up into My loving gaze. Their eyes shift side to side as they look to other things to follow and find satisfaction. It is just like when Adam and Eve listened to the serpent who set doubts in their hearts. They could have ignored him but their pride bubbled up and mingled with the serpent’s false promises. These false promises are where the hearts of many people have turned. They don’t trust in My promises and they don’t believe in Me. That breaks My heart. Imagine your children saying, ‘You don’t love me’ to you and nothing you say can change their minds. It is heartbreaking and what’s worse, that line of thought only brings more misery. There is no true happiness and joy without Me, that is all I want for My children, and yet so many reject Me.

                “Do not fret My child, it will all be set right one day. Please come to Me often with your loving heart. I will hold you tight and bring you comfort and you will comfort Me as well for My heart is hurting too. Together, we will be strengthened in love and you will be fine. I love you my darling and will always shelter and protect you in that love.”

Step Out of the Shadows

                My Lord, my God, my protector, my victor over life and death, I run to the shelter of Your arms and hide in the shadow of the Cross. Sometimes, this world and some of the people in it make me cringe as I imagine You seeing it all. Your good designs have been turned upside down and rejected. Oh my God, You died on the Cross to save us all, so why does this world shrink away from You and why do some people choose to follow illogical leaders and policies? I trust in You, I know You are watching over all of us and that You will not abandon us but how far do You let Your sheep wander?

                “Oh My trembling child, step out of the shadows and dry your tears, I am here and when you stand with Me, we are invincible because I offer love for eternity. Your yes to My invitation arms you with My protection. No, it won’t be easy and yes, I shed tears as well but when you stand with Me and shed tears with Me, you bring Me joy and keep the flames of My eternal love burning bright. Those flames protect you My child, do not let them smolder in fear, sadness or uncertainty over the world. All is as it should be and all will make sense to you one day. Remember, time is for My people but for Me, time does not exist, I see all from the beginning. There is no end, I see My creation in a circular loop, not in a linear time scale. Trust in Me My child. I will protect you and do not give up on anyone or anything for if you do, you limit My work. Together with our hearts joined, we can do so much more. Step out of the shadow trembling child and see what our love can accomplish.”


Saturday, February 22, 2025

River of Love

                 My dear loving merciful Lord and King, I bow my head and kneel before You in awe and wonder of everything You are. Your love for me is never ending and has no limitations. May my heart always mirror that great love and may my actions always be out of that great love that flows from Your blessed Sacred Heart. It is a river we all float in and it flows from You through us and back to You. May I never jump out of this river.

                “My dear loving child, yes think of My love as a river. The blood I shed on the Cross is also part of that river. My Father placed that divine love into flesh and blood in Me as the Son. I lived amongst My beloved people nourished by that very blood. I shared that love with My people as I walked on earth and when it was time, I opened that body on the Cross and emptied out the river of love through that blood so that all My people could be bathed in its healing mercy and thus be joined as one family forever. My blood which is my love, flows through all My people and will return to Me through them, in the future for all eternity. I know it is difficult for you to grasp but just trust Me that by emptying Myself on the Cross, I filled all My people with the life blood of love so that we can all be together. So bathe in that river, be immersed in it and follow that current for it will lead you back to Me. When you are tired of swimming, float on your back and ask for Me. I will give you the rest you need and will nourish you with My intense love so that you can continue. I am the source of life. I am the source of love. I am the beginning and the end. I am all you need. I Am who I Am and I love you my child.”


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Time is a Moving Kaleidoscope

                 My dear resurrected miraculous Lord, my heart races as I recognize that You are miraculously resurrected, that You walked with man, that You died for man, that You resurrected for man and that You wait in heaven with open arms for all mankind. Oh my Lord, my heart races and my soul leaps for joy inside me. I ask for an infusion of love and grace that I may be renewed in You, revitalized and prepared to do all that You ask, in the way that You ask, for as long as You ask, because You ask. Speak Lord, your servant is listening.

                “My dear little one, I am pleased that you have come to Me for rest as I long to rejuvenate you. Rest here at My Sacred Heart child, I have much to give you. Time for you is a linear slow process that allows you to fully integrate everything moment by moment. For Me, it is a moving kaleidoscope and I see all the cycles at once: life-death, joy-sadness, freedom-captivity, love-hate, infancy-maturity, anger-forgiveness, everything has a course, a cycle. Nothing is meant to stay the same. I see it all at once and it is truly astonishing and perfect when seen as a whole. It is too much for My beloved people to understand all at once so I give you the gift of time to process, to learn, to grow, to increase in My love. Look what My resurrection did for all. Now imagine the possibilities of renewal in all circumstances for all My people.

                “Never remain too long in any one state for it is meant to prepare you for the next step. Always keep moving. Enjoy each moment as it comes. Enjoy resting with Me, enjoy suffering with Me, enjoy laughing with Me, enjoy crying with Me. Know that I am with You always, in every moment, and that I am preparing all of you to be with Me. I see You all with Me now and also for forever. I resurrected for us all to be together and trust Me when I tell you that together, we live in perfect love just as I do with My Father and the Holy Spirit. This is the miracle I wish to share with all My people.”




Training Ground for Eternity

                My Lord, my God, my all powerful mighty King, I humbly come before You this day, tired and wondering about the world today. The daily challenges seem miniscule in the context of a world that rejects You. I see the world and all its chaos, its business, its confusion, its pain, and I know that is not how You intended it to be. I smile though in the thought that one day, we will all dwell together in joy, in love, in harmony. That is what You intended. Do we have to live in this world of chaos to learn to seek Your peace?

                “Dear inquisitive child, all My people seek peace because peace comes with love and all My creatures seek the love with which I created them. That deep desire burns in all My people. The problem lies in the distortion of that deep desire. People don’t know or they forget that the burning desire for more that lies in everyone’s heart comes from Me for Me. Instead, they try to fill that ache with the smaller things of the world and that starts their journey away from Me which breaks My heart. I know you want to scream the answer to all but they won’t all hear you or your words won’t be clear to them. You have to show them, help them experience My true love. Then they will discover for themselves that they seek Me. Don’t think of it as chaos, but instead, it is more of a training ground for a future of eternal bliss.”


I Never Want to Leave this Moment

                My Lord, my love, my life, my body melts as I think of You before me. I feel peace and joy as my heart swells in love for You. This moment, this union, it is so pure, so simple and so beautiful. Why do Your beloved people stray so easily from this union, easily distracted by lesser things they find easily tangible? How can people doubt You in this moment? How can people willingly avoid this moment of connection with You? Oh Lord, I never want to leave this moment. I long for the days in heaven where this moment will be eternal and for all.

                “My dear loving child, My heart swells in love for you as well in ways you cannot begin to imagine. This moment you speak of is how I exist in the Trinity at all times. It is a dynamic union of flowing love that never stops and it is meant to be shared with all My beloved people as well. Those who stray from this moment are not yet ready to live in that moment for eternity. All My children are being prepared here on earth for their eternal home. Those who doubt this moment need your assurance that this moment can exist for them at any time and that it is promised to them for the future. Those who willingly avoid this moment are like the Israelites in the desert. They seek immediate satisfaction in the things around them. They are stiff necked and need more time to learn and they need more love from those around them. Reach out to them, never give up on them because I love them dearly as well and I will never give up on them. You are a bridge to Me to help them in their disbelief. Do not waver my loving daughter, I have given you much and you have gratefully accepted My gifts. Share these with all My people so that together, we can all dwell in this moment forever.”

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Bridge to My Heart

                My Lord, my God, my heavenly King, my reason for living and dying, I run to Your Cross and fall to my knees. My heart is heavy at the thought of all those who don’t run to You. Instead, they grasp onto the things of the world the way a kitten clings to drapes which shred and tear through its claws. The world offers only temporary hints of comfort, but nothing lasting and fortifying. Only You offer true stability, true courage, true hope and true love because You created these things in love, from love, with love. How can an entire world of people have strayed so far from You?

                “My child, not all have strayed and there are many who still cry out to Me. I hear the calls of My people and I will not abandon My children in the midst of the wave of those who reject Me, those who ignore Me, those who don’t care about Me and those who won’t even look up to find Me staring back down lovingly into their hearts. I am here My child, I am here, I am here. Run to My Cross My child for that is the bridge that leads straight to My heart. Through My heart, we will all be united. Let your heart leap in joy at that bridge and bring all My children to that bridge.”