Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Train Like an Athlete

                “My Lord, my God, love of my life, I long to be with You, to be one with You as You have always intended. You generously give me glimpses of what this union will be like through Communion, Adoration and contemplative prayer and for these graces, I am very grateful and humbled, yet through these moments, I also recognize my weakness and inability to remain in deep union with You for very long. Sometimes it is like holding my breath under water: at first I am strong and able to remain alert and focused but eventually, I become distracted by my body’s need to breathe air and I can no longer remain under water. I don’t want to resurface, but I must and though that first breath of air brings relief, I immediately want to take in more air so that I can be submerged again.”
                “My child, my dear little fish, yes, being one with Us is a bit like being submerged in water but replace the water with pure love. When we are one, that is what you breathe and what you exist within. That love becomes everything around you and within you. You will live completely in it and your body will crave nothing else. It is how I made My people.
                “On earth, you must train like an athlete to take in and give out nothing but love. Your earthly bodies can only survive on love alone in this way for shorter intervals. Train like an Olympic swimmer who can stay under water with fewer breaths while you are on earth. The more you train on earth, the better prepared you will be for heaven and eternity with Me and My intense, permeating love. Do not be discouraged when your soul becomes distracted during My moments of grace on earth. Stay focused and keep returning to Me and you will be more and more able to subsist on love alone. I am always by your side, loving and encouraging you to be in My presence, wherever you are because I too long to be with you as one.”

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