precious Lord, I sit in awe contemplating the mystery of the Eucharist. I don’t
fully understand it, but I know it is You and for this gift of faith, I thank
You. When I remember that You created everything in all its complexities, then
the mystery of Your presence in the Eucharist doesn’t seem so impossible.
I love the mass because You are right there, and You invite us to receive You
so intimately, in communion. I remember the days I thought going to Church was
a chore, an obligation. Now, I long for the opportunity to attend mass and when
it is over, I look forward to the next mass. It is like eating – you get
hungry, you eat a great meal and feel satisfied but you know that soon you will
eat again and you look forward to the next meal. Lord You know us so well that
You became our food, literally and spiritually, and we crave it, sometimes with
a voracious appetite.
ask so little of us – just a minimum of one hour a week to spend in mass with
You. When I think about how a mass is celebrated every hour of every day, 24
hours a day, seven days a week throughout the entire world, I am in awe.
Therefore, for that one hour, You have people gathered in love for You so that
everywhere throughout the world, there is a place on earth that is a mirror of
Your command in the Lord’s prayer, ‘thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven.’ I feel privileged to attend mass and to be a part of
just one hour of this act of worship in one tiny spot on this earth You created
for us. I am eternally grateful to play a part in this beautiful act of worship
throughout the world.
dear Lord, inflame the desire in people’s hearts to celebrated mass with You.
Create a deep hunger in all of us to crave the banquet of the Eucharist You
provide at mass everywhere throughout the world. I pray that all Your people
everywhere will join You in the precious communion You generously offer. Please
open their hearts and minds to understand this gift and to receive it worthily.
Dear Lord, I sit in awe contemplating the mystery and beauty of the Eucharist.”