Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Pray All Souls Rest with You

                “Dear loving, merciful Lord, I think of all the souls of the people I have known who now rest with You and I am filled with joy and peace for them. I see Your beautiful, merciful heart opened to receive them into Your loving care. None of them were perfect, they were all struggling with various issues, but when the time came for You to call them home, You showed them that they could leave their struggles behind and they were invited to embrace their loving creator. I pray that every person at the moment of death encounters You and Your final invitation to join You in heaven and I pray that they all humbly cry out, ‘Yes Lord!’ Your mercy is beyond my human understanding and yet, I long for it, not just for me, but for all people. My heart cries out from the depths of my soul, ‘Yes Lord, gather Your people!’ Dear merciful Lord, shower Your grace upon our undeserving souls, not because we desire it, but because You will it. Thy will be done!”
                “My dear passionate child, my heart cries out from the depths of My being, ‘Come to Me my good and faithful servants.’ No sin is too great for My mercy if you just ask for it and believe in Me. Come to Me my beautiful children. Bring Me the love you have cultured in your hearts during your lives on earth. My soul thirsts for that love just as your soul thirsts for Me. I long to take your hate, your worries, your struggles, your pain, your sadness, your disappointments and your failures. Give them to Me and let Me transform them into love, peace, resolution, relief, joy, fulfillment and success. Let Me raise You up. Join Me as We originally created you to exist – as one with Us. Love will heal all. Trust in Me and I will give you all rest. Continue to pray for your loved ones who have left their earthly lives. Pray for them that they will embrace Me when I approach them. And of course, pray for all those who dwell on earth now that they will cultivate the love I placed in their hearts when I created them. May that love grow into passion to match the love that joins Me with My Father. Let My Holy spirit blow through your souls to fan the flames of that love! My mercy is for all who truly want it.”

Sunday, October 23, 2016

My Compassionate Heart

                “Dear loving, compassionate, merciful Lord, I cannot fathom the depths of Your mercy or the deep compassion You feel for the people You created, yet I am so deeply grateful and awed at these things. Even now, I struggle to find the words to describe what lies in my heart, yet I am confident that Your compassionate heart feels it too. I especially ponder how You created us with free will, knowing that Your beloved people would not use this gift of free will wisely and that many would turn against You. You knew these actions would pierce Your own heart and that in Your compassion, You would also experience the hurt, loss and despair that these people who turn away from You would experience. You created a world where death and sadness occur knowing that You too would suffer compassionately. When I reflect on Your Passion and the cruel, unjust persecution and horrific Crucifixion, my empathy overwhelms my senses and I shudder in horror. I cannot begin to understand Your ways but I am eternally grateful to be a part of Your plan.”
                “My darling compassionate daughter, do not shudder in horror but instead, see with your heart and find the great love inside My heart. That love is what compelled Me to find the only way to save all My children. Wouldn’t you do anything to protect your children? It is the same with Me only exponentially greater. By creating My children with free will, I created a greater pathway to show love. An animal acts out of a need to survive. I wanted more for My children. I wanted them to act out of love which is so much greater than mere survival. That is why there are martyrs who act out of love for Me and not just to survive. The benefits of acting out of love are so much greater than you could ever imagine. The Trinitarian love that flows through Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit is so intense and awesome that I cannot find the words to describe it in terms you would understand. Just know that My greatest desire for My beloved children is to experience that same love as one with Us. That love is freely given, but it must be freely accepted as well. You have to want it, seek it, ask for it and live for it by your own free will. That is My gift.
                “My compassionate heart burns for all of you and yes, I do feel what all of you feel and only I could take on all of humanity’s pain and suffering and then open the gates of heaven to all those who truly love Me. You cannot begin to fathom the deep longing I hold in My heart for all of you to be with Me forever. The deep longing you feel for Me is but a drop of what I feel for all of you. But my dear compassionate child, keep your heart open and always be compassionate to those who suffer, no matter how far they stray from Me and no matter what has caused their suffering. Just know that through their suffering, they may find Me waiting with compassionate merciful arms. Walk with them, comfort them and share their pain, for then My child, you will be imitating Me and you will help Me bring our people home.”

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Follow the Light

                “My blessed Lord, God and King, I bow my head and humbly seek Your guidance in my life. This life on earth has many joys and blessings, but it is also a life of work, hardships and suffering, sometimes drenched in tears. I know You never promised it would be easy, but You did promise that You would never leave us, that You would be with us forever, and that gives me a light to follow even in the darkest places.”
                “Yes My child, follow the light I have given You and guide others to do the same. I am the light and that light is made of love, the same love out of which I created My beloved people. That is why you feel that deep longing to return to the light and one day, you will return; all My beloved will be invited to return to the light.
                “Your time on earth is meant to prepare you for that eternal life, so that you can dwell in that light. If not prepared, you would simply be incinerated in the light as it would be too much for you, just as in Moses’ time, those who looked upon the light of God’s face would not live. I Am is preparing His beloved to look upon the light and to be united as a bride to her bridegroom, to live as one with His beloved. This is why I sent My Son Jesus in the form of a man so that My beloved people could look upon the face of God and live – and not only live but live united as one in deep love, in deep communion as I Am is in the Son and the Son is in the Father and the Holy Spirit: all three in one. I want all My beloved to dwell in this blessed union with Us forever, but My people need to be prepared for that union. Their time on earth prepares them and that preparation is full of the joys and blessings you speak of, but it is also full of the work, hardship, suffering and tears you mention. It is all part of My plan and in the end, the light will envelop us all and we will be as I have always intended. The joys and blessings you speak of will pale in comparison to the eternal joys I have in store for all.
                “So embrace your life on earth my child, with all I send you because you are being prepared for something greater. Delightfully wear your joys and sorrows and endure any suffering with happiness as you follow that light I give to all to follow. Continue to lead others into that light, singing with joy, drenched not in tears, but in the understanding that I love you more that you could ever imagine.”